Monday, October 13

Spoon screenshot current activity and change orientation

One of the problems I was having with espresso was to take screenshots of the current activity. With Espresso I can navigate and verify the views on screen, but once I move from one activity to another, the getActivity() function of the ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 was still returning the activity declared in the class.

I saw that robotium has a function like that, but I wanted to have the same for espresso.

Denys in his post show a simple function to active this , I will replicate it here:

 public Activity getActivityInstance(){  
   getInstrumentation().runOnMainSync(new Runnable() {  
     public void run() {  
       Collection<Activity> resumedActivities = ActivityLifecycleMonitorRegistry.getInstance().getActivitiesInStage(Stage.RESUMED);  
       for (Activity act: resumedActivities){  
         Log.d("Your current activity: ", act.getClass().getName());  
         currentActivity = act;  
   return currentActivity;  

So now I can use

 Spoon.screenshot(getActivityInstance(), "screenshot_name");  

Nice =).

Also, if I want to see how the screen looks in landscape, I can do:


And rotate it back if needed. Cool.


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